Customer Service
Title Companies
As a special taxing district, Fountain Hills Sanitary District (FHSD) has the authority to charge fees and levy taxes on all real property within the District boundaries. Therefore, all accounts are based on property ownership, not occupancy. The District may file liens on properties for the nonpayment of sewer user fees, if necessary, in accordance with Title 48 of the Arizona Revised Statutes.
When a property changes ownership in Fountain Hills, title companies are requested to submit a Title Inquiry Form. The title company is requested to provide contact information to transfer service from the seller to the buyer. FHSD will return this form to the title company with the seller’s account balance through the end of the quarter, advising of the amount that will need to be collected or refunded at closing from both parties. Sometimes, title companies provide missing or incorrect contact information. After closing, it is the new owner’s responsibility to contact FHSD to ensure the new account is established correctly.
If a property is changing ownership without the use of a title company, please contact the FHSD office at 480-837-9444 for information on transferring the sewer service account.
In some instances, a homeowner’s association may collect dues and pay sewer fees for multi-family dwellings, such as condominiums. In these situations, individual accounts are not established for each individual owner.
RENTAL PROPERTIES: Please be advised that the District does not establish sewer service accounts in tenant’s names. Sewer accounts are only established in the property owner’s name and all subsequent billings are mailed to the contact address established for the property owner.

16941 E. Pepperwood Circle
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Phone: 480-837-9444
Fax: 480-837-0819
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